


战略前瞻是组织为奠定未来竞争优势而进行准确布局的能力,使组织能够在外部环境的动态和复杂变化中灵活开发新产品、实施动态技术创新和优化组织结构,增强了组织的未来应对能力和适应性。本次推送的五篇文献对战略前瞻性的最新研究进行分享。Strategic foresight and business model innovation: The sequential mediating role of sensemaking and learning一文中,作者通过对146名芬兰企业的高级管理人员进行问卷调查,实证检验了战略前瞻对商业模式创新的显著正向影响。在意义建构和学习的依次调节下,战略前瞻能够克服认知惯性和结构性障碍,通过影响相关行为者的认知框架和灵活调整企业价值创造活动促进商业模式创新。Building dynamic capabilities to cope with environmental uncertainty: The role of strategic foresight一文通过定性与定量研究的混合方法,验证了战略前瞻对企业战略灵活性和决策理性两种动态能力的积极影响,并提出在环境不确定性影响下正向调节了企业战略柔性,该研究开发的战略前瞻预测工具和研究结论不仅有助于管理者评估企业前瞻能力,还能够指导他们塑造必要的动态能力,以应对复杂多变的商业挑战。Dynamic interactions among knowledge management, strategic foresight and emerging technologies一文对知识管理、战略前瞻和新兴技术之间的相互作用展开了叙事性综述回顾,并提出了三者动态交互的作用框架和未来研究展望,研究认为企业可以通过该框架更好地理解动态互动,有助于开展创新行动的决策和强化面向未来的创新。Foresight, sensemaking, and new product development: Constructing meanings for the future一文通过扎根案例研究方法,探究了意义构建、前瞻和新产品开发之间的相互影响。研究表明前瞻涉及对过去和现在的阐述和理解,同时也是对未来的思考过程,能够逐步开发新的集体心智模型,从而建立关于新兴市场和产品的领先认知。同时,在新产品开发过程中,具有面向未来的集体目标又增强了内部一致性。Strategic foresight for agriculture: Past ghosts, present challenges, and future opportunities一文介绍了最近在《全球粮食安全》杂志上发表的六篇文章,强调了战略前瞻性有助于创造事前预测和事后分析结合的良性循环,通过探索当下不同的投资决策,最大限度地发挥影响农业和粮食系统未来理想结果的潜力。


Strategic foresight and business model innovation: The sequential mediating role of sensemaking and learning


Keywords: Business model innovation;Strategic foresight;Sensemaking;Learning;Mediation analysis



Foresight is fundamental to strategy scholarship and can affect organizational outcomes such as innovation. However, few attempts have been made to link foresight with business model innovation (BMI). Therefore, it remains empirically unclear whether and through which mechanisms strategic foresight influences BMI development. To address these shortcomings, this study analyzes the direct effect of strategic foresight on BMI and the mediating effects of sensemaking and learning. The data were derived from surveying a sample of senior managers at 146 Finnish organizations (both large firms and SMEs) and the analysis was conducted by applying structural equation modeling. The findings provide evidence of a direct association between strategic foresight and BMI and suggest a partial mediating effect of learning and, more importantly, sequential mediating effects of sensemaking and learning. This study offers valuable insights into the relationships among BMI, strategic foresight, sensemaking, and learning. It enriches theory and practice by providing empirical support for the direct effect of strategic foresight on BMI, uncovering the multifaceted roles of the mechanisms that influence BMI, and proposing a model that could help managers handle barriers to BMI robustly and systematically.




Moqaddamerad S, Ali M, 2024. Strategic foresight and business model innovation: The sequential mediating role of sensemaking and learning[J]. Technological Forecasting And Social Change, 200: 123095.


Building dynamic capabilities to cope with environmental uncertainty: The role of strategic foresight


Keywords: Strategic foresight;Dynamic capabilities;Environmental uncertainty;Strategic flexibility;Decision rationality



Increasing environmental uncertainty poses significant challenges for organizations. Although scholars generally agree that companies require dynamic capabilities to flexibly respond to and shape uncertain environments, only little empirical research has been conducted on the factors that facilitate the development of these capabilities. This study addresses this gap and introduces strategic foresight as an important antecedent of firms’ dynamic capabilities. The paper investigates the impact of strategic foresight on two distinct types of dynamic capabilities, namely strategic flexibility and decision rationality, and how the influence of strategic foresight is moderated by the degree of environmental uncertainty. We test our hypotheses by adopting a mixed-methods approach, using both qualitative information gathered trough five expert interviews, as well as survey data collected from 79 managers familiar with strategic foresight practices. The obtained results indicate a significant positive impact of strategic foresight on firms’ strategic flexibility and decision rationality. Furthermore, this study finds that environmental uncertainty strengthens the positive effect of strategic foresight on strategic flexibility. Contributions to strategic foresight research and managerial practice for firms trying to cope with continuously increasing levels of environmental uncertainty are discussed.




Haarhaus T, Liening A, 2020. Building Dynamic Capabilities To Cope With Environmental Uncertainty: The Role Of Strategic Foresight[J]. Technological Forecasting And Social Change, 155: 120033.


Dynamic interactions among knowledge management, strategic foresight and emerging technologies


Keywords:Innovation;Technology;Knowledge management;Future studies;Strategic intelligence;Strategic foresight;Corporate foresight;Future knowledge



Purpose:This paper aims to discuss the dynamic interactions among knowledge management, strategic foresight and emerging technologies, resulting in a framework that can help companies to shape these interactions for achieving positive outcomes.

Design/methodology/approach:This conceptual paper is based on prior literature streams, which were interrelated through an abductive research process. This iterative conceptualization approach led to the formation of testable propositions that advance the understanding on the interactions among knowledge management, strategic foresight and emerging technologies.

Findings:The framework demonstrates the existence of an actions cycle between strategic foresight and knowledge management through a constructivist perspective, where one can improve the other. These interactions can be useful both for the development of emerging technologies and for identifying these innovations in market that can be applied in companies. Hence, all these dynamic interactions do not point to a hegemonic relationship of one construct over the others, but for the value equality among them.

Originality/value:Although current literature points to the existence of relationships among knowledge management, strategic foresight and emerging technologies, the dynamism inherent in these interactions as well as their positive effects for companies' results are not properly discussed. This paper fills such a gap and proposes directions for future research.







Nascimento L Da S, Reichert F M, Janissek-Muniz R, Zawislak P A, 2021. Dynamic interactions among knowledge management, strategic foresight and emerging technologies[J/OL]. Journal Of Knowledge Management, 25(2): 275-297.


Foresight, sensemaking, and new product development: Constructing meanings for the future


Keywords:Sensemaking;Strategic foresight;New product development;User foresights;Sensefacilitating;Market and technological change



Recent studies have emphasized the need to merge the divergent streams of foresight and sensemaking and to empirically explore their mutual influences. Accordingly, this paper builds upon previous work to expand understanding of the relationship between foresight and sensemaking and its role in affecting cognitive group dynamics, especially during the early stage of the new product development (NPD) amidst technological changes and market shifts. We adopt a systematic coding procedure of our empirical data drawn upon a longitudinal study of an entire NPD project as it unfolded in real time and in situ from its early stages through to its market commercialisation. Thus, the contribution of this paper is twofold. First, it extends previous foresight-sensemaking research by illuminating for the first time the role of sensefacilitating, a new cognitive mechanism that enhances the gradual development of new collective future-oriented mental models. Second, it answers the call for further investigation on the impact of foresight and sensemaking in NPD by showing that the cross-fertilization of foresight and sensemaking enables the collective discovery and formal diffusion of user foresights, which in turn inform the development of meaningful and novel brand worlds early in the NPD process.




Sakellariou E, Vecchiato R, 2022. Foresight, sensemaking, and new product development: Constructing meanings for the future[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 184: 121945.


Strategic foresight for agriculture: Past ghosts, present challenges, and future opportunities

农业战略展望: 过去的幽灵、现在的挑战和未来的机遇

Keywords:Strategic foresight;Agricultural research;Food systems;Plausible futures;Investment



Strategic foresight is systematic means to explore plausible futures. In the agricultural context, strategic foresight allows decision-makers to explore how alternative investments in agriculture research may function given anticipated futures associated with a variety of drivers ranging from climate change to increasing wealth to a changing policy environment. This paper presents an overview and context for six recently published articles in Global Food Security that comprise a virtual special issue on agricultural futures. Each of the papers takes a distinct perspective and addresses key issues from how past trends drive future outcomes to specific commodity systems to issues around employment and rural transformation. While each of the included papers stands on its own merits, the collection presents a unique opportunity to unpack the role of investment in agriculture research from a variety of perspectives. Collectively, the special issue offers insights to support current and future in-vestment planning to better target desired outcomes associated with long-term agricultural research.




Prager S D, Wiebe K, 2021. Strategic foresight for agriculture: Past ghosts, present challenges, and future opportunities[J]. Global Food Security, 28: 100489.






